The CLI Solutions Group provides a wide range of online tools and resources, many of which are free to all!
AERO Reading Curriculum & Tutoring Programs
The Accelerated Early Reading Outcomes (AERO) Reading Curriculum and Tutoring Programs use online resources which can be used to enhance children’s opportunities for successful learning by providing them with individualized, research-based assessment and instruction in reading.
CLI Engage
CLI Engage is a comprehensive web-based platform that houses online professional development courses, child progress monitoring and reporting tools, a vast collection of classroom activities, and classroom observation tools.
Circle Activity Collection
The Circle Activity Collection includes lessons and activities in both English and Spanish for children birth to grade 2. Perfect for public schools, Head Starts, center- or home-based childcare, and even families!
Circle Infant and Toddler Curriculum
The Circle Infant and Toddler Curriculum provides everything your program needs to create and implement weekly lesson plans that support meaningful interactions and playful learning experiences for infant and toddler children.
Circle Pre-K Curriculum
Incorporating Incorporating time-tested lessons from the Circle Activity Collection, the Circle Pre-K Curriculum provides all the resources needed to support weekly planning and delivery of comprehensive Pre-K instruction. The curriculum can be accessed for free online or printed versions are available for purchase.
CLI strongly recommends the use of assessment data to help early childhood teachers understand student skill levels and individualize instruction to support areas in which students are at-risk for falling significantly behind.