CLI Solutions Group offers a number of solutions to support literacy development in grades 1-5. Click on the links below to learn more about our offerings.
Effective Phonics Instruction: A Routine for Teaching Spelling: This training focuses on a 4-step routine for providing explicit and systematic phonics instruction regardless of the phonics program implemented in the K-2 classroom. Clear and consistent language is used for all parts of the routine and teachers are supported with a user-friendly lesson planning template and resource book.
Fluency: The Bridge Between Word Recognition and Comprehension: This session will explain the three components of fluency: accuracy, rate, and prosody. Participants will learn practical techniques to help students develop fluency and will understand the importance of providing students with multiple and varied opportunities to practice oral reading.
Maximizing Learning through Effective Instruction: In this session, participants will investigate explicit instruction with modeling and will think about how to plan lessons providing multiple opportunities for students to practice and respond to skills and concepts being taught.
Phonological Awareness: Instructional Activities for Use Throughout the Day! This training is developed around a user friendly resource, which was created to support young children’s phonological awareness skills. Designed for use with PreK to 1st grade students, the practical activities in this resource can be used to teach all facets of this foundational literacy component in as little as 10 minutes per day.
Circle Activity Collection: This wide-ranging activity collection is housed on the CLI Engage platform. Teachers can access the collection series to help them plan and improve instruction for prekindergarten and kindergarten students.
Circle Activity Collection: Family: The Circle Activity Collection: Family translates child development research into practice by providing a variety of hands-on activities that families can do at home. This collection is organized around seven learning domains: Language & Communication, Reading & Writing, Math, Science, Social & Emotional, Physical Development, and Art & Sensory.
TPRI and Tejes LEE: These diagnostic instruments are easy to use one-on-one assessments to quickly assess students’ early reading skills, helping teachers provide targeted instruction so that students improve as readers. The TPRI and Tejas LEE benchmark assessments are given 3 times per year.
Effective Phonics Instruction: A Routine for Teaching Spelling Teacher Resource
This 70 page resource is a must have for any K-5 teacher. Learn how to implement an explicit instructional routine with well-planned lessons to support any phonics program used in the classroom.
Effective Phonics Instruction: Phonics Wall Cards
This amazing resource supports the effective instruction of phonics in the classroom. With clear spelling patterns and a photo on the front, the back helps teachers know what to say and do when teaching each spelling pattern to students. Available in both English and Spanish.
Phonological Awareness: Instructional Activities for Use Throughout the Day!
This helpful resource contains user-friendly activities for teaching various aspects of phonological awareness. These activities do not require the preparation of any materials and can be done throughout the day. Available in both English and Spanish.