The Circle Infant and Toddler Curriculumprovides everything your program needs to create and implement weekly lesson plans that support meaningful interactions and playful learning experiences for infant and toddler children.
The digital version of the Circle Infant and Toddler Curriculum is available for free in both English and Spanish. To access the curriculum online:
Click this link to go to CLI Engage and then login to your account
Login to CLI Engage and click the button on the dashboard under Activities and Materials
Circle Curriculum Features
Comprehensive planning guidance for children ages 0-6, 6-12, 12-24, and 24-36 months
Multi-tiered supports to subtly guide teachers from foundational to advanced implementation
Flexible weekly overviews to support planning in response to each child’s unique needs, abilities, and interests
Soft-scripting to help implement activities and provide ideas for what to say to children during interactions
Authentic videos of activities in action (available on
Tips and strategies to support children with developmental delays or special needs
Guidance for thoughtfully incorporating children’s cultures and home languages
Full alignment to Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, Texas Infant and Toddler Early Learning Guidelines, and Texas Rising Star standards
Infant and Toddler Classroom Kits in Partnership with Lakeshore Learning™
Created in partnership with Lakeshore Learning™, the Circle Infant and Toddler Essentials Kits are packed with a targeted selection of open-ended materials and storybooks to support curriculum activities.