Training-of-Trainers (TOT) from CLI
The Children’s Learning Institute was designated the State Center for Early Childhood Development in 2003 by Governor Rick Perry. Since then, CLI has positively influenced early childhood education in Texas by developing and implementing research-based resources and programs across the state. Our in-person trainings, designed around strategies proven effective through research, improve instruction and enhance programs. Now our infant and toddler teacher trainings support increased sustainability through the addition of our training-of-trainers model. Participants who enroll in our TOT sessions will have the opportunity to become certified trainers by submitting videos of themselves delivering portions of the trainings. The successful completion of the certification process will allow trainers to deliver these trainings themselves. TOT sessions provide everything trainers need to roll out infant and toddler trainings throughout your region to increase support for a greater number of teachers.
Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines TOT
This two and a half day TOT session prepares trainers to provide all four of the half-day teacher trainings in this series. Trainers will become familiar with the content of the early learning guidelines created by the Texas Early Learning Council. The guidelines include developmental information for children from birth to 48 months in four key domains, and include caregiver strategies to support optimal development. Each teacher training details the developmental stages of child growth and guides participants through the guidelines’ instructional strategies. Trainers will be instructed on content delivery and the use of hands-on activities that expand teacher understanding of the material. All trainers will receive a printed copy of the Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines. Additional copies of the guidelines are available for purchase. TOT participants will also receive a binder of trainer resources for each training. Teacher trainings covered in this TOT preparation session include:
• Early Physical Health and Motor Development
• Early Social and Emotional Development
• Early Language and Communication Development
• Early Cognitive Development
CIRCLE Infant and Toddler Teacher Training: Play with Me! Series TOT
This three and a half day TOT session provides extensive review of the CIRCLE Infant & Toddler Teacher Training: Play with Me! courses, and prepares trainers to provide the three full day teacher trainings in this new series. Trainers learn specific instructional strategies targeting infant and toddler development and how to engage teachers in these strategies, through interactive exercises related to infant and toddler language, literacy, social-emotional, and responsive caregiving best practices. All participants receive copies of each course companion workbook and a CIRCLE Activity Collection: Infant and Toddler booklet. Additional copies of each publication are available for purchase. TOT participants also receive a trainer’s binder for each of the sessions listed below:
• Talk with Me: Promoting Early Language Development Session includes language-building and eliciting strategies such as labeling, describing, narrating, and encouraging conversation.
• Read with Me: Promoting Early Literacy Development Session includes strategies for promoting interest in books and a motivation to read, as well as using rhyme, rhythm, and props to enrich literacy experiences.
• Connect with Me: Supporting Early Social-Emotional Skills and Self-Regulation Session includes strategies for promoting early emotion recognition, self-regulation, and relationships with others.
CLI Solutions Group Contract Fees
Launched in September of 2016, the CLI Solutions Group includes a talented team of highly qualified experts who support educators across the US and internationally. Each member of our training team is an experienced teacher and an approved trainer on the statewide Texas Trainer Registry. The staff of the CLI Solutions Group is committed to creating quality learning environments for all children by impacting teacher effectiveness through research-based training and support.
The cost for CLI Solutions Group to provide a TOT session will be based on the planned number of participants multiplied by the total per person cost. An additional charge for trainer travel expenses will be added when a local CLI Solutions Group trainer is not available. Each TOT requires a minimum of five participants in order to contract an on-site session. Participants who attend these sessions, and successfully complete the certification process, will be certified to deliver the trainings themselves. Access to the necessary trainer materials will be provided for each certified trainer. Additional copies of publications are available for purchase and distribution to teachers attending trainings. Upon request, CLI Solutions Group will prepare a quote to provide training-of-trainers sessions that help sustain your program.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help improve your infant and toddler program.